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Revisiting Taunton: Robert Crosman, Esther Stevens Brazer, and the Changing Interpretations of Taunton Chests

Emelie Gevalt, Curatorial Chair for Collections, and Curator of Folk Art, American Folk Art Museum

January 4, 2022 Meeting: "Revisiting Taunton: Robert Crosman, Esther Stevens Brazer, and the Changing Interpretations of Taunton Chests

Tuesday January 4, 2022

Please RSVP by December 28, 2021.

December 7

“Vipers on Our Plates: Majolica Mania, the Rise and Fall of a Renaissance Revival”

February 1

Scandinavian Design and the United States: An In-depth Look at the Extensive Design Exchanges Between the United States and Nordic Countries During the 20th Century (Webinar Only)